Central and Latin America

Picture: Recherche-AG

"The diverse ecosystems as well as people and communities in this region are threatened by the train but even worse than this menace are the dynamics it will initiate. "

An extensive look at DB's questionable practices far far away from home.

Picture: Sohrab Sepehri

Ariel Miller (Mexico City, 1994) is a poet from Mexico. His style is heavily influenced by both confessional literature as well as modern Persian versification, particularly that of Sohrab Sepehri, whose complete poetry he translated into Spanish under the title of Los ocho libros. Poesía reunida (The Eight Books. Collected Poetry) in the Fondo Editorial Opción in 2022. He has also translated poetry from Portuguese, Arabic, Hebrew, Sanskrit,  Latin and German. His first poetry book, Las alabanzas y los muertos (The Praises and the Dead) will be published later this year in Aliosventos Ediciones. He is currently studying an M.A. degree in Iranian Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin and is a recipient of the Deutschlandstipendium.